Sells District currently owns four enterprises all located within the District, each established to provide services to the greater community. These are the Shell Convenience Store & Diner, the Sells District Service Station, and the Komckud E-wa’osidk Waptto Vending area. The business office is located at the District office, contact Business Manager Hai Laventure @ THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!
1st Annual Economic Development Conference
Economic Development Board
Chairperson | Andrea Ahmed - Kawulk Community
Vice-Chairperson | VACANT
Secretary | Sharon Manuel - Sells Community
Board Member | Joanne Pedro - Ge Oidag Community
Board Member | Roswell Juan - North Communities
Board Member | VACANT (Member-At-Large)
Sells District Business Manager - Hai Laventure
Phone: 520-383-2281
Sells Shell Gas Station
Supervisor | Renee Gonzales P.O. Box 160 Sells, AZ 85634
Phone: 520-383-3758 OPEN: 24 HRS.
For job applications, one reference letter and a copy of high school diploma or GED is required to be complete. Please mail to or hand in at the Sells District Office.
Sells Service Station
Supervisor | Mae Conde
P.O. Box 1215 Sells, AZ 85634
Phone: 520-383-2756 OPEN: M-Fri. 6 AM-7 PM Sat. 8:30 AM-7 PM Sun. 8:30 AM-6 PM ***GARAGE OPEN FOR TIRE REPAIR & OIL CHANGE BY APPOINTMENT*** M-Fri. 8AM-5PM
For job applications one reference letter and a copy of high school diploma or GED is required to be complete. Please mail to or hand in at the Sells District Office.
Komckud E-wa'osidk Wappto
Located on Main Road, Sells, AZ 85634. OPEN: M-Sun. 6 AM - 10 PM